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"When I heard Volume 2 of 'Revolutionary Coin Magic' features tricks and sleights totally different from the first volume I just HAD to order it. Highly recommended."-Gary Sherman
"With the second volume, Jay continues to build on his reputation as one of the world's most original coin magicians."-Marc Chaudan
REVOLUTIONARY COIN MAGIC: VOL.2 is the second volume in Jay's ground-breaking 'Revolutionary Coin Magic' series.
[To watch the exciting preview for VOLUME 1 click here.]
On this 2.5-hour ground-breaking collection, Jay reveals the secrets to: the Mephisto Change, Sickle Switch, Corkscrew Vanish, Merlin Sequence, Body Shift Production, Shaker Vanish, Messiah Clean-up, Drop Zone Production, Airborne Vanish, Wave Load, Snatch Production, P.O.V. Change, Bangkok Vanish, Blink Crossing, Submarine Vanish and SO MUCH MORE!
Jay also shares the "real work" behind several BRAND NEW full-length coin routines including:
JAVA TRANSPO: A wonderfully commercial 2-coin transposition with a built-in presentation!
RECURRENCY: A coin vanishes and reappears several times as the mystery deepens with each inexplicable phase!
STAND-UP TWILIGHT: Jay's walk-around handling of Paul Harris' classic coin effect!
STRIKE THREE: Three coins vanish and reappear under a paper napkin in the most magical manner imaginable!
HOLY CROSS: Many magicians Jay has shown this brilliant handling to have said it is BETTER than "Mr. Clean Coins Across!"
COLLECTOR'S ITEM: A marked coin vanishes and reappears inside a coin collector's cardboard holder that is stapled shut!
Jay also discusses such essential subjects as body language, misdirection through scripting, managing spheres of focus, making the most of different performing environments, the ballet of coin magic and MORE!
"One of the world's best coin magic projects. A true wealth of material."-Frank Harrow
"The final word on extremely VISUAL coin magic."-David Lentz
"I can't even begin to name all the tricks I perform from Volume 2 of Jay's incredible Revolutionary Coin Magic series. It's THAT good!"-Ty Winders
"When Jay revealed the secret to 'Collector's Item' I slapped my head so hard!"-Andy Queens
"So much of this stuff really looks crazy."-Gregory Chang
"When it comes to 'coin across' tricks, Holy Cross really is better than Mister Clean. Truly amazing."-Mike Kline
"Stand-Up Twilight is a wonderful piece of theatre."-Sean Darling
"Jay's Mephisto Change looks like something out of a dream."-Marcus Tabor
"The Bangkok Vanish and the Submarine Vanish are so damn clever. Really fresh thinking!"-Tim O'Down
"I finish my shows with 'Collector's Item.' Great trick and the holder makes for a perfect magic souvenir."-Doug Newman
"With the second volume, Jay continues to build on his reputation as one of the world's most original coin magicians."-Marc Chaudan
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