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"Incredible collection of tricks and sleights. It's the modern Bible of card magic."-Leo Browne

This amazing 2-HOUR learning experience is one of the most comprehensive projects on the subject of sleight-of-hand with cards EVER PRODUCED!

*40 essential sleights!
*18 full-length routines!
*Plus a bonus collection of FLOURISHES!
*And a SECOND bonus collection of SECRET POKER techniques!!

With 'SLEIGHT OF HAND SECRETS WITH CARDS' you'll learn the incredible secrets of professional card magicians!

Featuring 18 FULL ROUTINES and 40 SLEIGHTS this is the ultimate introduction to performing astounding sleight-of-hand magic with just an ordinary pack of cards!

Learn the secrets behind many of Jay's all-time favorite card miracles including dozens of changes, controls, forces, counts and vanishes! And as a very special added bonus, Jay has included TWO BONUS SECTIONS!


*Two Card Transposition
*In Hands Triumph
*Fragile Harbor
*Lost & Found Aces
*Carbon Paper
*Selective Memory
*Card On Ceiling
*Double Lift Force
*Just Joking
*Dr.Daley's Last Card Trick
*Please Don't Feed The Playing Cards
*Torn & Restored Card
*Deviant Behavior
*Smuggler Aces
*Impossible Transformation
*Karate Card

SLEIGHTS TAUGHT: Slip False Shuffle, Second Dealing, Top Stock False Shuffle, Rise Rise Rise, Illogical Cut, One Hand Cut, One Hand Shuffle, Riffle Shuffle Top Card Turnover, Twirl Change ,Riffle Force, Double Lift,Biddle Steal, 2/4 False Count, 2/3 False Count, Rubaway Vanish, Tent Vanish, Half Pass,Turnover Pass, Erdnase-Houdini Color Change, KM Move and more.

BONUS SECTION 1: FLOURISHES! Five professional sleight-of-hand flourishes (so you can look like you have been handling a deck of cards for years!)

BONUS SECTION 2: SECRET POKER TECHNIQUES! Five super-secret poker techniques including false shuffles, cuts and deals!

"I've been performing 'Smuggler Aces' and 'Card on Ceiling' and getting legendary reactions!"-Morton Oles

"The two bonus sections are killer."-Andy Lessing

"Karate Card is strong enough to close a show."-Toby Azalas

"Jay's a great teacher, I learned much faster than I expected."-Richard Kelso

"So much wonderful information on one card magic project. Highest recommendation."-Marvin Taylor

"Got it yesterday and have already watched it all the way through TWICE!"-Chris Keily

"The handling for Torn and Restored is so freakin' practical. Can't thank you enough."-Dale Jennings

"These card tricks are awesome!"-Burt Evans

"Incredible collection of tricks and sleights. It's the modern Bible of card magic."-Leo Browne  


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