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"My A-List includes so many of the effects Jay shares on 'Restaurants and Bars' because they are so visual, easy and just plain FUN to do."-Roger Heinz

"Permanent Press is my all-time strongest opening trick."-Mike Taylor

"If you want huge, crazy, over-the-top reactions, you need to start performing 'The Blackpool Effect."-Neil Stuart

"I used to close shows with Jay's 'Airtight.' But since I learned his new 'Airtighter' handling I've never looked back. BIG improvement."-Ed Dolores

Jay has performed as the 'house magician' at over a dozen different restaurants and bars.

And now, on this very special project (featuring over 2 HOURS of magic + mentalism) Jay shares with you the real work on both the art and the business of making a very good living performing in these exciting venues.

Jay also teaches you 15 of his all-time favorite restaurant and bar effects (many of which he shares for the very first time.)

Learn incredible, commercial magic and mentalism with playing cards, coins, bottle caps, creamers, sugar packets, crayons, drinking straws, wine corks and business cards.

Some of the tricks Jay teaches...

PERMANENT PRESS: Super visual "strong man" magic with a bottle cap!

HOT WAX: Break and restore a crayon in a flash of fire!

GUARANTEED: A one card stunner with a killer giveaway!

CUT & RESTRAWED: Jay's favorite effect with a drinking straw!

AIRTIGHTER: The stress-free handling of "Airtight" Jay always does in the "real world!" (And yes - the balloon NEVER breaks!)

FOUR SEASONS: A "just found" coat button changes into three different coins!

POPULATION EXPLOSION: A hyper-practical climax to any sponge ball routine!

MERGER: Two business cards reveal the identity of two selections!

AMPHIBIAN: A borrowed and marked coin appears inside a sealed creamer!

SUGAR-COATED: The most practical torn + restored sugar packet in the world!

FREEZER BURN: A few ounces of the spectator's own drink is frozen into an ice cube!

CORKER: Two halves of a broken cork are visually melted back together!

To make this project even more valuable, Jay also shares with you the real work on: 

*Approaching tables
*Choosing routines
*Selling yourself to management
*Inspiring tips
*Openers and closers
*Being a 'team player'
*Scripting effects,
*Dealing with 'regulars'
*And much more!

With 15 outstanding routines and over 2 hours of priceless information learned over hundreds of nights of real-world performing, this truly is the REAL WORK on restaurants and bars.

"Restaurants and Bars is the ultimate magic experience. Lots of killer tricks and a tons of awesome performance advice. It doesn't get any better than this."-Brian Marks

 "I applied Jay's tips and was working in two restaurants in less than a month."-Marty Coleman

"The Blackpool Effect is a real mind-blower!"-James Chan

"So many great tricks and so much priceless advice. Nothing short of awesome."-Kevin Dwyer

"I perform several of the tricks from Real Work on Restaurants and Bars including Corker, 4 Seasons and Merger. Guaranteed BIG reactions."-Chad McDonald  


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