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Website von Jay Sankey.

Kaufen Sie exklusive Zaubertricks, Gimmicks

und Ausrüstung, die vom Großen Magier selbst erstellt wurde!

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Level 1

58 Artikel

Level 2

39 Artikel

Stufe 3

6 Artikel

Über Jay Sankey

Jay Sankey holds the world's record for creating more unique magic tricks than any other living magician. 

As a Toronto-based magician, Jay has performed all over the world, including sold-out shows at the exclusive Magic Castle in Los Angeles, the Magic Circle in London, and the prestigious 'Just For Laughs comedy festival in Montreal.

Jay hat mit einigen der weltbesten Zauberer zusammengearbeitet und Zaubertricks für TV-Shows und einige der weltbesten Zauberer kreiert:

David Copperfield

David Blaine

Amerikanische Götter


"I feel like I finally understand what mentalism is all about."

-Eli Walters

"Over the past 5 years I've ordered more than 20 of Jay's products and they've all been fantastic!"

- Ryan Glenmore

"Jay's not just an incredible magic creator. He's also a brilliant teacher. That's what make his products the best on the market"

- Mark Ellington

"Nobody makes amazing magic so EASY to learn. Jay's also hilarious. He makes learning fun!"

- Tom Bryant

"Big thanks to Jay for helping me break a bunch of bad habits that were really holding back my sleight-of-hand with coins."

-Barry Vinton

"The magic psychology Jay shares is priceless."

-Brian Servis

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